Last Friday was Jackson's 2 week check-up with the Dr. (grandpa). Frank found a heart mummer and was not overly concerned, but thought it was something that needs to be address with a cardiologist up at Primary Children's. Frank was able to get us in and today was the day for our visit. Lots of test were in front of us for the afternoon, but our little guy was ready and was an ideal patient.

Check out my calm little guy will getting an EKG test done. However he did get upset when the nurse pulled the little round stickers off his chest. I was also upset with her.

Checking out his surroundings. Our little Jackson got the name, "the worlds best baby" through all the tests he was put through.

Our little guy went right to sleep has they started the Echo (Ultrasound) on his heart. With all the slim and moving him around for an hour the kid just slept and took it all in. I am sure it helped to be wrapped in warm blankets. The boy was a champ!!!! The best part of the day was the heart mummer is small and is very likely to close on its own has he grows. We will have to have check -ups with the
Cardio Dr. about every 6 months for awhile.
What an amazing blessing it is to live in a time when good medical care is available.

This was a guys reward for such good behavior during our long afternoon at Primary Children's. The boy got to cuddle with our own "Nanny
Mcphee". Nothing better than a nap with the one you love.

After a nap with Brooke, it was time for a bath. Our little guy loves them.
It was a long afternoon, but are very grateful for the test outcome. Thanks once again to our own "Nanny Mcphee" for taking care of things on the home front.
I am so glad things went well with the Dr. Such a relief that it will close up on its own!
He is such a cute little guy. And I love the picture of him sleeping on Brooke!
Ohh i love that little guy! And i am so happy he is okay. He looks adorable in every picture!
I'm so grateful he's doing well! :)
I have fun with your boys today and enjoyed a good snuggle with hime. You better still call me to watch your kids....OR IT WILL BE THE END OF HAGGERMAN'S SUGAR COOKIES!
glad to hear everything is okay.
i don't know if i ever told you congratulations either, so congrats, he is adorable!
glad to hear everything is okay.
i don't know if i ever told you congratulations either, so congrats, he is adorable!
World's Best Baby is right!! What a little DOLL!!! So glad things are alright and that you have such a sweet baby. It almost makes the horrible pregnancy worth it!
Whoa. There should be some law against putting that many cords on one kid. Serioulsy.
He is so cute! And I can't believe how much he sleeps. I love him. And I love Nanny McPhee
Thanks for the update of your darling good baby---keep us posted!!!!
Heidi, I am so happy to hear that everything went well. He is such a cute little guy. Hope you and Brad are getting at least a little rest.
I love the pic of Jackson alseep during the echo. He seems so proud of himself
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