June 4th finally came!!! I think Jill has had a count down since the morning they got engaged. The day started off with a breakfast up at Mom and Dad's. It was a perfect morning to be together and enjoy good food. (Thanks Mom)

Jake and Candice made the trek from
Las Vegas and it is always good to be with everyone.

These boys can't get
enough of each other.


All the boys looking fab.

Waiting for our sister.

All the kids looked great in their outfits.

These 4 are surely figuring out the ins and outs of the college football

This GIRL!!! Never a dull moment when she is around.

This picture sums up the way each kid was feeling that evening after many pictures

Brooke in her "Golden Rod" dress. One of the highlights of the night was Brooke sporting this number to get a rise out of Jill. We had specific instructions to wear Black and White and Brooke took the opportunity to play a joke. I think we all thought it was funny except Jill.

The day was perfect and we are so excited to have Cameron part of our family. He is so good to Jill.
*Thanks Maga and Papa for the best wedding location ever!! The backyard was amazing and they were so nice to open up their home and yard to many.
Congrats Jill and Cameron
Love this post. That pic of your family in front of the columns is great! That's the Christmas card this year for sure. And I love the pic of the guys standing in front of the temple.
And as always, I love Josh and Annie together. What would Annie do without him?
You have so many pics! I didn't do very well in the picture taking department! Your family picture did turn out cute.
Brooke is HILARIOUS! I love that she got goldie out to get a rise out of Jill! All of your kids looked adorable and it looked like the perfect day for Jill and Cameron!
Great pictures Heidi! It looks like it was such a beautiful day. And I agree with Heidi, that top picture of you and your family is Christmas-card worthy. Or at least frame-worthy.
Lova ya!
Did I get a rise out of Jill for being the only one to wear green to her wedding? Great pictures--so fun to see everyone else in black and white!!!
The Jensens and Johnsons must be living right to have such a nice day for the lovely wedding.
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