Friday, October 15, 2010

James' Prayer

Tonight it was James' turn for family prayers. His prayers are always so insightful into what is going on in his mind. Tonight was no different.....
James "please bless Mom to get alone with everyone."
The kid singled me right out. I clearly have some work to do.
I always thought I was the one that went with the flow.....
Leave it to my kids to humble me.


Jamie said...

That sweet kid. I love him. Don't worry, we all need prayers said like that. Heck, I really need help getting along with everyone.

Amy said...

Love it. But honestly, you've got to be one of the easiest people to get along with. I don't know what James is talking about. :)

Andrea said...

Yep. Leave it to the kids to point out our faults. My kids do it daily.

Maga said...

Dear Wonder Woman---I like you the way you are. I don't know what James is praying about!